

Het effect van suiker op het brein – Tip Peaklevel

When you eat something loaded with sugar, your taste buds, your gut and your brain all take notice. This activation of your reward system is not unlike how bodies process addictive substances such as alcohol or nicotine — an overload of sugar spikes dopamine levels…

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Focus, Weight-loss and New Years Resolutions, from Failure to Success

So January comes around again and everybody sets out with fantastic aims of losing weight and improving their health after the Christmas excess. Gyms and weight loss clinics are full to the brim with new enthusiasm and eager customers looking to change their lives and…

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Peaklevel EEG, business performers and athletes

Sports psychology is the measurement of mental and behavioural components that can impact on performance (Singer et al, 1993). However, sports scientists and coaches alike have a difficult task observing, measuring and controlling mental processes (Lawton, et al, 1998). One way of gaining an understanding…

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Top 10 Implantable Wearables Soon To Be In Your Body

Wearables. A growing trend with very soon to have their “moment in the sun” but I am firm believer that wearable technology is simply a transition technology. Technology must and will soon move from existing outside our bodies to residing inside us. That is the future of…

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Peaklevel brainbooster supplementen

Brainbooster supplementen Ginkgobiloba: zeer sterke antioxidant. Vitamine B: essentieel voor een heldere geest. Vitamine E: houd het brein jong. Vitmine C: vermindert vrijeradicalen. Alpha liponzuur: ontgifter en stimuleert het geheugen. Choline: helpt het geheugen te optimaliseren. Selenium: stabiliseert het gemoed. Magnesium: stimuleert de doorbloeding van…

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