

Peaklevel EEG, business performers and athletes

Sports psychology is the measurement of mental and behavioural components that can impact on performance (Singer et al, 1993). However, sports scientists and coaches alike have a difficult task observing, measuring and controlling mental processes (Lawton, et al, 1998). One way of gaining an understanding…

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Top 10 Implantable Wearables Soon To Be In Your Body

Wearables. A growing trend with very soon to have their “moment in the sun” but I am firm believer that wearable technology is simply a transition technology. Technology must and will soon move from existing outside our bodies to residing inside us. That is the future of…

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Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger?

When you look at sporting achievements over the last decades, it seems like athletes have gotten faster, better and stronger in nearly every way. Yet as David Epstein points out in this delightfully counter-intuitive talk, we might want to lay off the self-congratulation. Many factors…

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Can Music Improve Athletic Performance

More often than not, substances and supplements are typically the topic of discussion when researching the effects external elements have on sports performance. One area of study that provides some opportunity to gain a competitive advantage without the help of supplements and substances is music….

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Slechte start van Oranje was puur mentaal verhaal

Nigel de Jong is een doorzetter. Tijdens het WK wist hij zich terug te vechten op het veld ondanks een blessure. En ook tegen IJsland zal de bijna 30-jarige international alles geven. ‘Een coach kan uiteindelijk slechts aanreiken, wij zijn eindverantwoordelijk voor wat er op…

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