

Reaching Your Potential – An Optimum State of Mind – Peaklevel

When playing within a team sport having freedom and creativity are vital aspects of successful performance. This style can transform teams who are rigid and playing within their boundaries into fearless teams who are ambitious and have a desire to take calculated risks in pursuit…

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Peaklevel EEG, business performers and athletes

Sports psychology is the measurement of mental and behavioural components that can impact on performance (Singer et al, 1993). However, sports scientists and coaches alike have a difficult task observing, measuring and controlling mental processes (Lawton, et al, 1998). One way of gaining an understanding…

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Peaklevel brainbooster supplementen

Brainbooster supplementen Ginkgobiloba: zeer sterke antioxidant. Vitamine B: essentieel voor een heldere geest. Vitamine E: houd het brein jong. Vitmine C: vermindert vrijeradicalen. Alpha liponzuur: ontgifter en stimuleert het geheugen. Choline: helpt het geheugen te optimaliseren. Selenium: stabiliseert het gemoed. Magnesium: stimuleert de doorbloeding van…

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Peaklevel brainbooster tips

Naast het via de Peaklevel training renormaliseren en optimaliseren van de hersenen zijn er ook nog andere natuurlijke brain boosters: Noten: walnoten, cashew en amandelen bevatten omega-3, mineralen en b vitamines. Vette vis: zalm, haring en makreel. Onmisbare omega-3 voor een goede hersenwerking. Water: houdt…

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Can Music Improve Athletic Performance

More often than not, substances and supplements are typically the topic of discussion when researching the effects external elements have on sports performance. One area of study that provides some opportunity to gain a competitive advantage without the help of supplements and substances is music….

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